Thing A Week
I’ve added a link in my blogroll to Thing A Week. That’s Jonathan Coulton’s blog and website. He’s the guy who inspired me to start this project. Give him a click if you’ve got a minute. He gets a lot of clicks already, but that’s because he’s talented and smart.
I’ve been getting busy with work lately, so that’s a good thing. I’m playing bass in a play this weekend. And I’m arranging some tunes for a session on Monday that will includes legendary bassist Abe Laborial. I’ll meet him at the session. It’s pretty exciting for an old muso like myself.
Looked at a few more possible locations for the studio. Kind of depressing because I like my current place so much. I’ve sent in a proposal to a realtor for me to rent my current space plus some more to be available to sublet. We’ll see what the mgmt co says. Not a musical way to spend one’s time.